Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's Only the Beginning of the Madness

Hello my IC family... I hope all is well... Yes people it is only the beginning of the madness for me! I received a call today from my general doc saying my GI appointment is set... and to me that sounds like the beginning of  horrible testing... (Well in my eyes it is)  I read all the time on different sites how we (IC patients have soOo many other things going on with our bodies... and not just the bladder...)

 So I'm crying out... crying out to My IC Family for answers.. what should I expect from the Gastro doc?!? I need some kind of idea on what to expect when I go... Please give me some feed back...

 All last week I had to hype myself up for an installation (since the last one was done with a Male Catheter, so that was an experience I will NEVER forget!!) So after all last week of Hyping myself up only to have another installation to go awry AGAIN!! (NO Wonder why I have to hype myself up every time!)LOL... Here's some IC Talk for you.... well everyone went out last Friday to have a cocktail after work... I came home and had my own cocktail...(A Cocktail I dread to make!!)LOL...On today's Happy hour Specials we have: 3CC OF SODIUM BICARBONATE, 8CC OF  LIDOCAINE,  AND 100MG OF ELMIRON....LOL...Just little IC humour for you, I would rather go through trials and hard times with a smile on my face!! NO MATTER HOW BAD IT MAY LOOK OR FEEL... Remember We can only do this with the GRace of God.. YOu can go through your trials and hard times feeling sorry for yourself and be down or you can be joyful and have hope for a cure... AND SHOW THE WORLD THAT WE DON'T LET THIS DISEASE CONTROL OUR LIFE!!! Good Night my IC Family... and God Bless!!

**Here is an amazing song... How Beautiful the KING of ALL KINGS IS!!**


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