Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's almost the FOURTH of JULY!!

Hello my fellow IC family... I hope everyone is having a pain free day... I'm looking forward to the long weekend!! I'm ready for some family fun times! It has been a long month of worry and stress for my family and I.
 We recently found out my mom has ovarian cancer which spread to her diaphragm and her fatty tissue that covers her intestines... She went through surgery on 06/24/11, they took most of it out and the out come looks great... Now she has a long road of chemotherapy( 4 months ).  I know God will be by her side every step of the way... She was sent home today and I'm excited to see her without tubes coming out from every where!
 We all tend to take life for granted or we just simply go through the motions everyday... I know I have... and when your family is hit with a scare like CANCER, it makes you stop and appreciate everything and EVERYONE in your life!!

 I hope everyone has a wonderful fourth and be careful!