Saturday, December 4, 2010

Flare Go Away Already!!!

 I have been dealing with this flare for 2 weeks now... Today is one of those days that it feels like it's at it's worst, which I hate because my spirits are down...
 Does anyone ever experience contraction like pain when you have flares? I know I do... yesterday was one of those days... My oldest always jokes with me and says... "Mom what if one of these days you do pop out a baby, and you didn't know you were prego!!"

 Is it sad that I have learned to hide my pain, so I can be a mom, wife and daughter.... I need to do installation but we all know how much I hate doing them (since I had bad experiences)...

 I finally finished my antibiotic for my stomach (at least I'm eating more than once a day again, and not coughing up my lungs anymore) but I still feel pain in my stomach... I need to see the gastro doc this week.... and the general doc...
 I can't wait until this is over...(Well all the testing and going to different doctors) I was told next is the neurologist then the Osteopathologist... 

I'm trying something new... Nothing for the pain... and I don't think it's working out to well... I don't want to become addicted or depend on any kind of drug (what should I try?) ...

  I did stop smoking... I've smoked cigarettes since I was 17 years old... And I feel great...NO Patches, No Gum...JUST THE GRACE OF GOD!! 

 Well I hope everyone has a great weekend....
"Great is the Lord and most worthy of Praise; his greatness no one can fathom" - Psalm 145:3

Lord, I choose to praise you through this pain. You are great, and there is no one worthy of Your honor and glory. "Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the One I praise"(Jeremiah 17:14)   I give you this discomfort, and I ask in the name and power of Jesus that You would take it away. Help me and heal me completely from my hurt. Let my heart ache only for the comfort and healing balm of Your presence. 
--From the book... Power Prayers for Women By: Jackie M. Johnson

 "Everyone goes through storms throughout life... But are you joyful through the storms? BE joyful at times when you think you can't!! And Glorify ONLY GOD!!" - Angelica Arellano

Hillsong United- Everlasting

Casting Crowns- Praise you in the storm


  1. Hi Angel, I just found your blog yesterday, and am so happy to meet you! I'd like to check out more of your blog, when I have more time, but I wanted to reply when I read about your bladder contraction pain.

    I experience that, too, and told my uro that I thought it felt like bladder spasms. He told me that if I was having bladder spasms, I would be losing control of my bladder and involuntarily urinating, which I wasn't doing. Instead, the spasms felt like muscle cramps, and made it hard to urinate. He gave me a medicine that calms bladder spasms, and said that if it worked, then I was indeed having spasms. Thankfully it worked. The med was a bladder muscle relaxer called oxybutynin. You might want to ask your dr about it, and google it as well.

    I am so sorry that you have been diagnosed w/IC and are dealing with a flare...but I share your faith and know that God has you in His hand. I am looking forward to getting to know you better!

  2. Well I'm happy to meet you as well... Thank you for the information... I go in to see him on the 29th... I will ask about the Oxybutynin...
    Yes we all are in his hands... Thank You! He is SooOo amazing!!
    <3 HUGS <3
